in package
Utility functions for use when examining object declaration statements.
Table of Contents
- findExtendedClassName() : string|false
- Retrieves the name of the class that the specified class extends.
- findExtendedInterfaceNames() : array<string|int, string>|false
- Retrieves the names of the interfaces that the specified interface extends.
- findImplementedInterfaceNames() : array<string|int, string>|false
- Retrieves the names of the interfaces that the specified class or enum implements.
- getClassProperties() : array<string, int|bool>
- Retrieves the implementation properties of a class.
- getName() : string|null
- Retrieves the declaration name for classes, interfaces, traits, enums and functions.
Retrieves the name of the class that the specified class extends.
static findExtendedClassName(File $phpcsFile, int $stackPtr) : string|false
Works for classes, anonymous classes and interfaces, though it is strongly recommended to use the ObjectDeclarations::findExtendedInterfaceNames() method to examine interfaces instead. Interfaces can extend multiple parent interfaces, and that use-case is not handled by this method.
Main differences with the PHPCS version:
- Bugs fixed:
- Handling of PHPCS annotations.
- Handling of comments.
- Handling of the namespace keyword used as operator.
- Improved handling of parse errors.
- The returned name will be clean of superfluous whitespace and/or comments.
- Support for PHP 8.0 tokenization of identifier/namespaced names, cross-version PHP & PHPCS.
- $phpcsFile : File
The file being scanned.
- $stackPtr : int
The stack position of the class or interface.
Return values
string|false —The extended class name or FALSE
on error or if there
is no extended class name.
Retrieves the names of the interfaces that the specified interface extends.
static findExtendedInterfaceNames(File $phpcsFile, int $stackPtr) : array<string|int, string>|false
- $phpcsFile : File
The file where this token was found.
- $stackPtr : int
The stack position of the interface keyword.
Return values
array<string|int, string>|false —Array with names of the extended interfaces or FALSE
error or if there are no extended interface names.
Retrieves the names of the interfaces that the specified class or enum implements.
static findImplementedInterfaceNames(File $phpcsFile, int $stackPtr) : array<string|int, string>|false
Main differences with the PHPCS version:
- Bugs fixed:
- Handling of PHPCS annotations.
- Handling of comments.
- Handling of the namespace keyword used as operator.
- Improved handling of parse errors.
- The returned name(s) will be clean of superfluous whitespace and/or comments.
- Support for PHP 8.0 tokenization of identifier/namespaced names, cross-version PHP & PHPCS.
- $phpcsFile : File
The file being scanned.
- $stackPtr : int
The stack position of the class or enum token.
Return values
array<string|int, string>|false —Array with names of the implemented interfaces or FALSE
error or if there are no implemented interface names.
Retrieves the implementation properties of a class.
static getClassProperties(File $phpcsFile, int $stackPtr) : array<string, int|bool>
Main differences with the PHPCS version:
- Bugs fixed:
- Handling of PHPCS annotations.
- Handling of unorthodox docblock placement.
- Defensive coding against incorrect calls to this method.
- Additional
, and'readonly_token'
indexes in the return array.
- $phpcsFile : File
The file being scanned.
- $stackPtr : int
The position in the stack of the
token to acquire the properties for.
Return values
array<string, int|bool> —Array with implementation properties of a class. The format of the return value is:
'is_abstract' => bool, // TRUE if the abstract keyword was found.
'abstract_token' => int|false, // The stack pointer to the `abstract` keyword or
// FALSE if the abstract keyword was not found.
'is_final' => bool, // TRUE if the final keyword was found.
'final_token' => int|false, // The stack pointer to the `final` keyword or
// FALSE if the abstract keyword was not found.
'is_readonly' => bool, // TRUE if the readonly keyword was found.
'readonly_token' => int|false, // The stack pointer to the `readonly` keyword or
// FALSE if the abstract keyword was not found.
Retrieves the declaration name for classes, interfaces, traits, enums and functions.
static getName(File $phpcsFile, int $stackPtr) : string|null
Main differences with the PHPCS version:
- Defensive coding against incorrect calls to this method.
- Improved handling of invalid names, like names starting with a number. This allows sniffs to report on invalid names instead of ignoring them.
- Bug fix: improved handling of parse errors.
Using the original method, a parse error due to an invalid name could cause the method
to return the name of the next construct, a partial name and/or the name of a class
being extended/interface being implemented.
Using this version of the utility method, either the complete name (invalid or not) will
be returned or
in case of no name (parse error).
- $phpcsFile : File
The file being scanned.
- $stackPtr : int
The position of the declaration token which declared the class, interface, trait, enum or function.
Return values
string|null —The name of the class, interface, trait, enum, or function;
if the passed token doesn't exist, the function or
class is anonymous or in case of a parse error/live coding.