in package
Utility functions for use when examining function declaration statements.
Table of Contents
- $magicFunctions : array<string, string>
- A list of all PHP magic functions.
- $magicMethods : array<string, string>
- A list of all PHP magic methods.
- $methodsDoubleUnderscore : array<string, string>
- A list of all PHP native non-magic methods starting with a double underscore.
- getName() : string|null
- Returns the declaration name for a function.
- getParameters() : array<int, array<string, mixed>>
- Retrieves the method parameters for the specified function token.
- getProperties() : array<string, mixed>
- Retrieves the visibility and implementation properties of a method.
- isMagicFunction() : bool
- Checks if a given function is a PHP magic function.
- isMagicFunctionName() : bool
- Verify if a given function name is the name of a PHP magic function.
- isMagicMethod() : bool
- Checks if a given function is a PHP magic method.
- isMagicMethodName() : bool
- Verify if a given function name is the name of a PHP magic method.
- isPHPDoubleUnderscoreMethod() : bool
- Checks if a given function is a non-magic PHP native double underscore method.
- isPHPDoubleUnderscoreMethodName() : bool
- Verify if a given function name is the name of a non-magic PHP native double underscore method.
- isSpecialMethod() : bool
- Checks if a given function is a magic method or a PHP native double underscore method.
- isSpecialMethodName() : bool
- Verify if a given function name is the name of a magic method or a PHP native double underscore method.
A list of all PHP magic functions.
static array<string, string>
= ['__autoload' => 'autoload']
The array keys contain the function names. The values contain the name without the double underscore.
The function names are listed in lowercase as these function names in PHP are case-insensitive and comparisons against this list should therefore always be done in a case-insensitive manner.
A list of all PHP magic methods.
static array<string, string>
= [
'__construct' => 'construct',
'__destruct' => 'destruct',
'__call' => 'call',
'__callstatic' => 'callstatic',
'__get' => 'get',
'__set' => 'set',
'__isset' => 'isset',
'__unset' => 'unset',
'__sleep' => 'sleep',
'__wakeup' => 'wakeup',
'__tostring' => 'tostring',
'__set_state' => 'set_state',
'__clone' => 'clone',
'__invoke' => 'invoke',
'__debuginfo' => 'debuginfo',
// PHP >= 5.6.
'__serialize' => 'serialize',
// PHP >= 7.4.
'__unserialize' => 'unserialize',
The array keys contain the method names. The values contain the name without the double underscore.
The method names are listed in lowercase as these method names in PHP are case-insensitive and comparisons against this list should therefore always be done in a case-insensitive manner.
A list of all PHP native non-magic methods starting with a double underscore.
static array<string, string>
= ['__dorequest' => 'SOAPClient', '__getcookies' => 'SOAPClient', '__getfunctions' => 'SOAPClient', '__getlastrequest' => 'SOAPClient', '__getlastrequestheaders' => 'SOAPClient', '__getlastresponse' => 'SOAPClient', '__getlastresponseheaders' => 'SOAPClient', '__gettypes' => 'SOAPClient', '__setcookie' => 'SOAPClient', '__setlocation' => 'SOAPClient', '__setsoapheaders' => 'SOAPClient', '__soapcall' => 'SOAPClient']
These come from PHP modules such as SOAPClient.
The array keys are the method names, the values the name of the PHP class containing the function.
The method names are listed in lowercase as function names in PHP are case-insensitive and comparisons against this list should therefore always be done in a case-insensitive manner.
Returns the declaration name for a function.
static getName(File $phpcsFile, int $stackPtr) : string|null
Alias for the ObjectDeclarations::getName() method.
- $phpcsFile : File
The file being scanned.
- $stackPtr : int
The position of the function keyword token.
Return values
string|null —The name of the function; or NULL
if the passed token doesn't exist,
the function is anonymous or in case of a parse error/live coding.
Retrieves the method parameters for the specified function token.
static getParameters(File $phpcsFile, int $stackPtr) : array<int, array<string, mixed>>
Also supports passing in a T_USE
token for a closure use group.
The returned array will contain the following information for each parameter:
0 => array(
'name' => string, // The variable name.
'token' => int, // The stack pointer to the variable name.
'content' => string, // The full content of the variable definition.
'has_attributes' => bool, // Does the parameter have one or more attributes attached ?
'pass_by_reference' => bool, // Is the variable passed by reference?
'reference_token' => int|false, // The stack pointer to the reference operator
// or FALSE if the param is not passed by reference.
'variable_length' => bool, // Is the param of variable length through use of `...` ?
'variadic_token' => int|false, // The stack pointer to the ... operator
// or FALSE if the param is not variable length.
'type_hint' => string, // The type hint for the variable.
'type_hint_token' => int|false, // The stack pointer to the start of the type hint
// or FALSE if there is no type hint.
'type_hint_end_token' => int|false, // The stack pointer to the end of the type hint
// or FALSE if there is no type hint.
'nullable_type' => bool, // TRUE if the var type is preceded by the nullability
// operator.
'comma_token' => int|false, // The stack pointer to the comma after the param
// or FALSE if this is the last param.
Parameters with default values have the following additional array indexes:
'default' => string, // The full content of the default value.
'default_token' => int, // The stack pointer to the start of the default value.
'default_equal_token' => int, // The stack pointer to the equals sign.
Parameters declared using PHP 8 constructor property promotion, have these additional array indexes:
'property_visibility' => string, // The property visibility as declared.
'visibility_token' => int|false, // The stack pointer to the visibility modifier token.
// or FALSE if the visibility is not explicitly declared.
'property_readonly' => bool, // TRUE if the readonly keyword was found.
'readonly_token' => int, // The stack pointer to the readonly modifier token.
// This index will only be set if the property is readonly.
Main differences with the PHPCS version:
- Defensive coding against incorrect calls to this method.
- More efficient and more stable checking whether a
token is a closure use. - More efficient and more stable looping of the default value.
- Clearer exception message when a non-closure use token was passed to the function.
- Support for PHP 8.0 identifier name tokens in parameter types, cross-version PHP & PHPCS.
- The results of this function call are cached during a PHPCS run for faster response times.
- $phpcsFile : File
The file being scanned.
- $stackPtr : int
The position in the stack of the function token to acquire the parameters for.
Return values
array<int, array<string, mixed>>getProperties()
Retrieves the visibility and implementation properties of a method.
static getProperties(File $phpcsFile, int $stackPtr) : array<string, mixed>
Main differences with the PHPCS version:
- Bugs fixed:
- Handling of PHPCS annotations.
index could be set totrue
for functions without body in the case of parse errors or live coding.
- Defensive coding against incorrect calls to this method.
- More efficient checking whether a function has a body.
- Support for PHP 8.0 identifier name tokens in return types, cross-version PHP & PHPCS.
- The results of this function call are cached during a PHPCS run for faster response times.
- $phpcsFile : File
The file being scanned.
- $stackPtr : int
The position in the stack of the function token to acquire the properties for.
Return values
array<string, mixed> —Array with information about a function declaration. The format of the return value is:
'scope' => string, // Public, private, or protected
'scope_specified' => bool, // TRUE if the scope keyword was found.
'return_type' => string, // The return type of the method.
'return_type_token' => int|false, // The stack pointer to the start of the return type
// or FALSE if there is no return type.
'return_type_end_token' => int|false, // The stack pointer to the end of the return type
// or FALSE if there is no return type.
'nullable_return_type' => bool, // TRUE if the return type is preceded
// by the nullability operator.
'is_abstract' => bool, // TRUE if the abstract keyword was found.
'is_final' => bool, // TRUE if the final keyword was found.
'is_static' => bool, // TRUE if the static keyword was found.
'has_body' => bool, // TRUE if the method has a body
Checks if a given function is a PHP magic function.
static isMagicFunction(File $phpcsFile, int $stackPtr) : bool
- $phpcsFile : File
The file where this token was found.
- $stackPtr : int
token to check.
Return values
Verify if a given function name is the name of a PHP magic function.
static isMagicFunctionName(string $name) : bool
- $name : string
The full function name.
Return values
Checks if a given function is a PHP magic method.
static isMagicMethod(File $phpcsFile, int $stackPtr) : bool
- $phpcsFile : File
The file where this token was found.
- $stackPtr : int
token to check.
Return values
Verify if a given function name is the name of a PHP magic method.
static isMagicMethodName(string $name) : bool
- $name : string
The full function name.
Return values
Checks if a given function is a non-magic PHP native double underscore method.
static isPHPDoubleUnderscoreMethod(File $phpcsFile, int $stackPtr) : bool
- $phpcsFile : File
The file where this token was found.
- $stackPtr : int
token to check.
Return values
Verify if a given function name is the name of a non-magic PHP native double underscore method.
static isPHPDoubleUnderscoreMethodName(string $name) : bool
- $name : string
The full function name.
Return values
Checks if a given function is a magic method or a PHP native double underscore method.
static isSpecialMethod(File $phpcsFile, int $stackPtr) : bool
- $phpcsFile : File
The file where this token was found.
- $stackPtr : int
token to check.
Return values
Verify if a given function name is the name of a magic method or a PHP native double underscore method.
static isSpecialMethodName(string $name) : bool
- $name : string
The full function name.